I`m soooooo excited about discovering this site. I feel like I could explore the content for ages here. Not sure how it all works here, but it's nice that I've got plenty of time for exploration :)
Ok, now I`ll be back to this piece of watercolor art I`ve been procrastinating over for ages :)
Thanks to all who subscribed to my page already!
Hello there!
I may as well mention this first...that artwork is mesmerising: quite mystical and colourfully appealing, I really dig the blend of watercolours. Very pretty.
Secondly, your Art collection is superb. For the time you've been here, you've been an active contributor and I hope that your artistic pursuit on Newgrounds will be a prosperous one.
The above is just a long way of me saying 'Hello'. :D
Thank you for your warm welcome! :)))))